The actress Monica Cruz endorses the Romanian strays' cause!
Nearly 20 years after the fall of Communism enabled Romania to experience the most rapid economic growth in our nation's history, millions of street dogs, cats, horses, and donkeys are left in our streets to live on refuse.Animals that are impounded as strays are typically incarcerated in concentration camps, where they have little or no chance to enjoy a good life and be adopted. They die of disease, starvation, or injuries suffered in fighting for scraps of bad food.
The authorities act blind and deaf toward animal lovers' recommendations for high-volume sterilization programs and building decent shelters where people can come safely to adopt.
Overpopulation and abuse of homeless animals remain out of control, and are a disgrace to the Romanian national image.ROLDA tireless efforts are rewarded by the donors and sponsors' commitment to our cause. This help has enabled us to build two private shelters for rescued strays, one chosen the best in Eastern Europe by a U.S. animal publication.
We have also sterilized more than 3,500 homeless dogs and cats in collaboration with local veterinary clinics. We also do community education and host interns and international volunteers, raising all costs through sponsorships and private donations, with no support from local authorities.
Monica Cruz "I choose to care about Romanian homeless animals"
Our latest educational campaign is called "Have a heart for Romanian homeless animals”. National and international celebrities who care about animals are invited to help us set an example and send a message to Romanian community: "I choose to care about Romanian homeless animals."
The goals of "Have a heart for Romanian homeless animals" Campaign is raising community awareness about respecting animals' lives and their rights and building the first charitable veterinary clinic in Galati, to do free sterilizations, respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, and provide low-cost veterinary treatments. This will cost about $375,000.
The goals of "Have a heart for Romanian homeless animals" Campaign is raising community awareness about respecting animals' lives and their rights and building the first charitable veterinary clinic in Galati, to do free sterilizations, respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, and provide low-cost veterinary treatments. This will cost about $375,000.
Photos of celebrities posing for "Have a heart for Romanian homeless animals" campaign will be promoted on street billboards in Galati, our home town, and in a few of the other towns in Romania that are most often visited by tourists. Posters will be placed in animal-friendly places.
The first celebrity who kindly accepted to help us promote the Romanian homeless animals' cause is the actress Monica Cruz.
Monica Cruz is also a dancer and a dedicated animal lover, having no less than six adopted dogs whom she calls "her babies." They include two cockers, one Yorkshire, one bichon frise, one pug, and one Mexican dog rescued from the street, named Jimi.
She generously contributes her image to help sponsor our campaign to raise awareness worldwide about the Romanian street animals tragedy.
If you want to be the next celebrity participating in this campaign to end the suffering of strays in Romania, we would be extremely happy to hear from you or from your agent.For more information about ROLDA, please visit http://www.rolda.org/
Our site is frequently updated, so please visit often!
Re-homing ROLDA dogs in UK http://www.romaniaanimalaid.co.uk/
Romania Animal Aid +44 07971 860405; mail@romaniaanimalaid.co.uk
Romanian League in Defense of Animals USA
roldausa@care2.com, P.O. Box 40, Greenbank, WA 98253,USAYour comments and contributions may be sent to:ROLDA, Feroviarilor Str.16,Bl.C2,ap.18 800563 Galati, Romaniarolda@care2.com, +4 0748 903 612, www.rolda.org
Our site is frequently updated, so please visit often!
Re-homing ROLDA dogs in UK http://www.romaniaanimalaid.co.uk/
Romania Animal Aid +44 07971 860405; mail@romaniaanimalaid.co.uk
Romanian League in Defense of Animals USA
roldausa@care2.com, P.O. Box 40, Greenbank, WA 98253,USAYour comments and contributions may be sent to:ROLDA, Feroviarilor Str.16,Bl.C2,ap.18 800563 Galati, Romaniarolda@care2.com, +4 0748 903 612, www.rolda.org